Thursday, August 23, 2012

Frog to Prince

I always knew that I wanted to get married, but that doesn't mean that i didn't kiss a bunch of toads that I knew were nothing but bad news. I had a serious case of the bad-boy thing that needed to get out of my system. Is that some kind of right of passage? Get the whole bad-boy thing over and done with so you can move on to an actual healthy relationship? If I was looking for a man to actually marry, why was I so drawn to the frogs? It just makes no sense.

Until one day I met Will, and I knew that he was no frog. I don't know why I knew. I mean, he was 100 percent different than any of the other boys i'd ever been interested in, but for some reason I liked him... A LOT (the ridiculously good looking smile helped I'm sure).

As far as I can tell, when you meet the right one, you know because all of the feelings that were driving you before you met him (excitement, anxiety, uncertainty) are gone, and you're happier that way. This is what happened when Will and I started dating. I thought, "This available, reliable, predictable, totally righteous boy...he is the love of my life." Morning breath, dishes on the floor and all. That is what I want for the rest of my life. And that's the most exciting ending I can think of.

Happy two years chicken.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I don't have a favorite season

I don't have a favorite season, I have a favorite feeling. It's the windows open, dirty bare feet, sun on your back feeling. It's when I can walk straight outside without getting a jacket. It's zipping up a life jacket and jumping into the lake. It's morning drives with the windows down when the air it is still a bit chilly from the night before. It is sunsets and watermelon for dessert. It's the sound of lawnmowers, crickets, and rain against the window. I don't have a favorite season, I have a favorite feeling.

Ode to the season

Friday, July 13, 2012

If We Are Going to Be Friends

Every time I try to make a grilled cheese sandwich, I end up burning it.

I love drinking anything with a straw.

I'm 5'7. Average. Even though my Dad is 6'4.

I pee in front of my hubby...shamelessly.

I'm good at doing laundry, right up until things have to be put back into the closet.

When I was a kid I had a crazy obsession with dolphins, but was too afraid to pet them at Sea World.

I decorate my dinner plates with left over food before doing the dishes.
I love my long hair, though I don't do it very often.

Vacuum lines make me happy. 
What does OCD stand for again?

I knew Will and I would be good friends the first time I saw him...yes, really. The first time.

I sit on the same row every sacrament meeting.

I get excited to fold fitted sheets, thinking that I'll get it right this time. Truth is that after a few attempts I just wad it up and shove it into the closet. 

I'm partial to putting things {all things} on the left. Putting them on the right just feels wrong.

Cookies need milk, and milk needs ice.

I pray before making decisions.

Cuts and scrapes sometimes make me want to faint.

I don't always pull through to the next stall when parking.

I have lived in the same house for almost 20 years, and I am still unsure about the correct spelling of our street, Scirlein {Scirlien?} Drive {but I do know P.Sherman 42 Wallabee Way Sydney}.

I put quilt ties in my ear {I've been doing it since I was a kid}.

I put lotion on my feet every night before bed. 

Everytime I use vanilla, I smell the bottle.
{Watkins is the best vanilla just so you know for future reference}

Muchos Besos

Sunday, June 17, 2012

John Tyler

My Dad took me to get a Slurpee when he thought that I punched a boy at school. My Dad let me skip school and go skiing with him when I got a 4.0 in high school. My Dad shared his testimony at girls camp. My Dad said I was the best looking baby he'd ever seen. My Dad used to bring me bowls of ice cream as I sat at the computer for hours pumping out homework. My Dad scoots the car that I'm leaning on away as I pee. My Dad gives me the biggest hugs you can ever imagine. 
I just don't know how to even begin to describe him.
Hero comes pretty darn close. 
Love you Dad.

Oh the painful Cliches! 

 Doesn't matter, all of it is so so so true. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Ya know what made me happy today??

Instead of working from 3:00pm until 11:00pm {which I've been doing for about 8 months}, I now go to work at 5:00am and get home at 2:00pm. Will and I actually get to spend time together! Plus... I get paid to bake pretty food. Thank you Kneaders Bakery and Cafe!

I also work at a preschool for 3 hours on Monday mornings with a self contained language class...I can't even begin to describe the cuteness.

My yard is 100% dandelion free.  

Will used to get up early every morning, drive to Provo and then not get home until late in the evening. However, since he is now an official graduate, he got a job at a bank that is 10 minutes away from our house. Holy saving money on gas batman!

Two of my young women completed their personal progress. Happy dance!

My windows have been open all day long for an entire week.

Mangoes are on sale.

And, we're going to see the Avengers movie tomorrow night.

Life is good

Friday, February 24, 2012


Will has taken to calling my nose the "Super- Smeller" (ever seen Psych?). I never thought I had a good sense of smell, but since I've been with Will, I've noticed how many things I smell that he doesn' maybe it's true.

Even though he makes fun of the Super-Smeller, I am super super happy that I have it!
Wouldn't not smelling suck?

I met a guy the other day who has no sense of smell. So after choking on my word vomit, that wanted to inform him of how bad his life must stink suck, I offered him my condolences and moved on. But once I got out of there, I voiced my true thoughts: I'd be lost without my olfactory system! I use my nose to tell me when my car is broken, when I need to do laundry, when my cookies are done, when my kitchen needs to be cleaned, and so much more. 

So, today I'm going to go smell things. And enjoy it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Flashback to snow

Has anyone else ever watched 9 episodes of Cake Boss in one day?

I sure wouldn't do that... uh...even if William and I got netflix...and there were no commercials. That would just be silly to watch that much t.v. in one day. Ahem.

Now here's the flash back.

We live in Utah. Greatest snow on earth right? Except this year there is only 38 inches of snow on at Snowbird right now (the normal snowfall for this month is 124 inches)! Weird right? So if you like to dodge logs while skiing give me a hooray.... Oh, that's right, no one likes to do that.

So today's flashback is flashing us to a better year. When a few of the greatest people I know had season passes to Snowbird...and there was actually enough snow. We went skiing about every Saturday. We listened to Red Jump Suit Apparatus, we ate Ramen, and we even grilled steak in the parking lot. There's no way to really describe how much fun we had up there. Or how many of our silly worries melted away while we were racing down Big "Enema" but these pictures help.

There are few things greater than skiing all day with your very best friends. I'm so glad I grew up in Utah.

Aren't you?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Awkward and The Awesome

The Awkward:
-A second grader telling me that he would look hot with skinny jeans and chains (what am I supposed to say back to that?).
-Taking an order from a man on the phone at work and asking him "what color he will be coming in" when I meant to say, "What time he will be coming in." The best part is that he answered my first question. Without ANY hesitation he told me he would be coming in a "a grey-ish Honda." So I just let it slide.
-The snot bubble I got while talking to my Boss....yes, that really happened.

-Running into someone with the hubs who remembers you but you don't remember them. So rather than introducing them, you silently force the hubs to walk as far away as possible.
-Using the phrase "Go do what you do" at the end of a conversation.
-Finding out that you've been rockin' the rat tail for the entire day (aka the chunk of hair that didn't make it into your pony tail).
-Seeing Mothers at the mall sporting ridiculous amounts of cleavage...while shopping with their children.
-Not being told "this is a serious picture"

-Being asked if I'm a leader or a young women at activities (but lets be honest, I'm usually the one throwing things at people, so maybe they have a point).
-Being hi-five stood up by a 3rd grader.
-Dropping your phone (the bad drops, in which the back piece falls off and the battery flies 20 feet away) whilst being surrounded by a group of people.

The Awesome:

-Finishing the 500 at the alumni swim meet.
-Not having to put away the Christmas tree (here's the secret: we never put it up).
-Putting books on hold at the library. Seriously! All you do is click a mouse and then the little library maids 1) find the book (Dewy and I don't really get along), 2) put your name in it, 3) and then tell you when it's ready to come pick up. I always feel important when I pick up books that were on hold just for me.
-Finding Zee Sneetch planking.

-Eating cereal late at night.
-Finishing grad school applications.
-The happy birthday boy with his happy cake.

-Finding 2 pairs of jeans! At one store!! and only spending $50 on both!!!
-Our new TV!!

-Finishing puzzles. At 3:00AM.

-This movie. Though, the fact that I almost pee myself from excitement every time I see this trailer may be a little awkward.

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