Friday, July 13, 2012

If We Are Going to Be Friends

Every time I try to make a grilled cheese sandwich, I end up burning it.

I love drinking anything with a straw.

I'm 5'7. Average. Even though my Dad is 6'4.

I pee in front of my hubby...shamelessly.

I'm good at doing laundry, right up until things have to be put back into the closet.

When I was a kid I had a crazy obsession with dolphins, but was too afraid to pet them at Sea World.

I decorate my dinner plates with left over food before doing the dishes.
I love my long hair, though I don't do it very often.

Vacuum lines make me happy. 
What does OCD stand for again?

I knew Will and I would be good friends the first time I saw him...yes, really. The first time.

I sit on the same row every sacrament meeting.

I get excited to fold fitted sheets, thinking that I'll get it right this time. Truth is that after a few attempts I just wad it up and shove it into the closet. 

I'm partial to putting things {all things} on the left. Putting them on the right just feels wrong.

Cookies need milk, and milk needs ice.

I pray before making decisions.

Cuts and scrapes sometimes make me want to faint.

I don't always pull through to the next stall when parking.

I have lived in the same house for almost 20 years, and I am still unsure about the correct spelling of our street, Scirlein {Scirlien?} Drive {but I do know P.Sherman 42 Wallabee Way Sydney}.

I put quilt ties in my ear {I've been doing it since I was a kid}.

I put lotion on my feet every night before bed. 

Everytime I use vanilla, I smell the bottle.
{Watkins is the best vanilla just so you know for future reference}

Muchos Besos


  1. I just love you! And I miss you! And I'm going to be in Utah in 3 weeks and need to see you.

    P.S. the secret to a perfect grilled cheese sandwich is cooking it on a low/medium setting. That way it cooks slowly and gets perfectly golden and melts all the cheese :)

    P.P.S. I remember your dolphin obsession! I even got you a dolphin lamp one year for your birthday. Was that the same birthday when we smashed a spider and a billion baby spiders went running everywhere and we vacuumed them up?

    P.P.P.S. did I mention that I miss you!

  2. Hooray!! I was hoping you'd be coming out here in the next few weeks.
    I will try the grilled cheese again. I think I always just get way too impatient with the little suckers.
    Oh the dolphin lamp, you're so thoughtful. The Spider Fiasco could have very well been that year. Oh, what a terrible night. I remember that WAY too vividly.
    So excited to see you.

  3. We all know milk with ice is just disgusting...but I love you for it anyway. :) Lou
