Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ay yay yay

New Year, new things right?

-Brookles is going on a mission, to Barcelona. Ay yay yay!
 She'll leave on May 1st, speak Spanish, and eat lots of sea food. We've been reading some books about Spain and have decided that it will be a cool place. For one, Barcelona doesn't allow bull fighting. Now, I'm not a crazy animal activist or anything, but I did a little happy dance when we read that in Barcelona they don't gladiator slay the large misunderstood animal just to prove that they are hard A's.
This however, I'd totally watch.

-We got a dog.
Her name is Maya. We got her from the shelter. She was super skinny, but other than that we have found no crazy side effects from the time she spent there at what I believe to be the saddest place this side of the Mississippi. As long as she goes on a walk that day, nothing gets chewed up and she sleeps through the night. We like her.
and she likes her duck.

-We are having a baby.
On May 22 (or so they say). Ever since the bean has been the size of an onion, we have called it (ever so endearingly I might add) "the Onion." I'm hoping the name doesn't stick postpartum, but for now it works. The Onion's favorite past time this month seems to be having Onion parties, which take place right on top of my bladder...honest. Sitting through movies is fun. We will find out the gender in exactly 5 days. Oh baby!

Here's to new things.


  1. AHHHH URKA!! NO WAY!?!?! So exciting!! Wow, mother onion, i am so happy for you. You will be such a good mom, I just know it. And congrats to Brooke, too!! That is awesome, tell her congrats for me :) Happy new year to youuu!!

  2. I am so happy to finally see an update! I miss your face!
