Sunday, August 21, 2011

How I lost my last name

7 or 8 years ago: There is a really cool girl in my 9th grade math class and we become best friends.

3 years ago: Cool girl and I decide to go on a road trip--which I planned to be just your average, non-life altering road trip (hint: I was wrong). So, the night before we left, I went to Cool girl's house and just so happened to meet her "Attractive Cousin" whom she also called Will the Cousin. We all talked, laughed, and slept (on different couches thank you!).

A few weeks later: The Cousin and I continued to run into each other in passing and each time I saw him I was surprised by how funny he was, and how surprisingly easy it was to talk to him. So, we continued to hang out. We went rope swinging, we went on drives, we went on walks, we went to dinner, we went hiking, we went to play in sprinklers. And by the end of it all, I had a sincere interest in him, but knowing that school started in a week, I was convinced that I probably wouldn't be seeing Will the Cousin anymore (wrong again).

A couple of months later: Will the Cousin and I ran into each other "accidentally" on weekends and such. We also started dating other people ( I was jealous, but said nothing). Then one night on a random whim, I called Will the Cousin and asked him to dinner, and as I planned wouldn't change anything... it was just dinner (really wrong!). He drove all the way up from Provo. We ate at my favorite place, Costa Vida, and then we talked for a really really long time, and FINALLY I let myself really talk to him, like talk talk. From then on I decided that I was going to marry someone just like him. The next weekend, we met up, then the next, then the next until finally, I couldn't stand not seeing him.

3 months later: I walked into my house in a stupor realizing that we had just talked about getting married. Here I was planning to go on a mission, teach children English all over the world, get into Grad school...and I'm talking eternity with a boy?? Crazy right?

One year ago: Will the Cousin and I got married.

Present: Here we are, married for a year and I couldn't feel better about life. And I would trade traveling the world to play farm animals (no, it's not dirty) and eat cereal with my William any day.

What girl can resist a cute boy in a tux?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I like em Hot and Cold

Ya know what one of the greatest things ever is??

A weekend at the cabin.

See what I mean?
She was the self appointed Student of the Week this week

We just got back, and it was wonderful. It was full of sleeping in, ATV-ing, playing cards, doing puzzles, watching old school movies, and of course... eating. All of this while listening to the subtle sounds of classic big band CDs.

Ya know what else could possibly be the greatest thing ever?? Seriously, like the best thing since before sliced bread, motor vehicles, or even my little pony???

It's leftovers.

Anyone who disagrees with said statement may 1) go to a crazy house or 2) come to the council meeting I am having in which you may voice your opinions to an ever so stingy, stuck in her ways, me. At the meeting your thoughts and concerns will be considered, validated, and then mostly likely shot down. So, take your pick of the two, or just agree with me.

Now let me share with you 2 recipes that I stumbled upon...yes... there are two. I'm sharing these recipes out of the goodness of my heart, and because they were shared with me. So I guess that's the right thing to do. And also because they are super easy and they make really good leftovers :)

Black Bean-Mango Salad
Remember Maria Menounos from channel one?? Well now she's all growed up and writing books with recipes in them, this one is from her... and so is the lovely picture.

Maria's Mango Black Bean Salad

1 ripe mango diced
1/2 cup Italian dressing ( I use the little packet kinds)
2 15-oz cans of black beans rinsed
1/2 cup red onion chopped
1 green pepper chopped
1 red pepper chopped
salt and pepper

In the blender, take 1/4 cup of the mango and blend with the Italian dressing till it's smooth (I mostly skip this step, but it sure does make it more tasty). In a bowl combine the rest of the ingredients then add the mango puree. Season to taste and serve.

Roasted Garbanzo Beans
This one comes from the blog of one of the best ladies I know. It's a pretty sweet blog. You'd like it. Find her here.

Oh, and she's a photographer... as if you couldn't tell from this beautiful picture.

2 cans garbanzo beans rinsed and patted dry
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon chile powder
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (I use an 1/8 of a teaspoon... I'm a whimp i guess)
Lime juice
Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease a large baking sheet with olive oil. Put the beans in a bowl and mix with olive oil, lime juice, and salt and pepper. In a small bowl mix together the rest of the spices. Add the spices to the beans and mix until all of the beans are coated. Spread the beans out on the baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Serve either hot or cold.

As you probably noticed, both of these recipes are for side dishes. But when I'm hungry and I need a snack, they have been found to be what I crave the most. I hope you like them.