HELLO! It's true people!
Here's where it started. President John Adams. A man I know virtually nothing about wrote this in a letter to Thomas Jefferson after his wife died:
"I know not how to prove, physically, that we shall know each other in a future state; nor does revelation [i.e. the scriptures as they were interpreted by the clergy] as I can find give any positive assurance of such felicity. My reasons for believing it, as I do most undoubtedly, are that I cannot conceive such a being as the human, merely to live and die on this earth. If I did not believe in a future state, I should believe in no God...And, if there be a future state, why should the Almighty dissolve forever the tender ties which unite us so delightfully in this world and forbid us to see each other in the next."
I have had a few very special moments in the last few months, that in all of my stubborn glory, I have not acknowledged as I should have. They are moments that are very very precious to me, but because I have only one feeler in my entire body, I have not lent myself to feel these experiences as they should be felt. UNTIL I read this entry. What a wise, wise old man, that President John Adams was. I however, would like to add to his words (much less eloquently I fear).
Not only are we to see each other again after death, but the people who pass before us CAN BE and STILL ARE a part of our mortal lives.
Sounds weird, I know. And yes, this could be taken in a creepy ghost stories kind of way. But what I'm talking about here is a peaceful, joyful feeling that only comes from one place.
Loved ones that are no longer with us physically are there; watching us, helping us, and waiting for us. I'm for reals people! Wait for the little heart taps that suddenly bring back memories you shared with those people. Wait for the hidden momentous that you forgot even existed anymore to show themselves. Wait for the time when you use something that person taught you. Savor the joy you feel when you even think of that person. And then, if you can hold it all in... think of the moment when you'll get to see them again.
God. Loves. us. Watch for it, I dare you.